Robert Weil dehumanises LGBTIQ+ people, likening us to excrement

It seems Robert Weil has no boundaries, as he has now likened LGBTIQ+ people to excrement. He does this while he is still a Vice President of Caulfield Shule.

Wonderful. Is there not one part of Eretz Hakodesh that can be spared from being defecated on in the name of “diversity”. The comparison to the candles of the menorah is absolutely sickening.

Robert Weil has tried to back-pedal his original comment:

It has come back to me that some of the wording in my above comment has caused offence to various people and I do apologize for this. My feelings about the original post on which I commented are strong, but I do admit that my language, particularly the word ‘defecated’ was overly offensive and therefore I withdraw it and apologize unreservedly.

These comments were posted to a semi-private share of this public post which appears on Ittay Flescher’s Facebook page:

Likening a group of people to excrement is not “overly offensive”. It is outright repulsive, sick, perverted, and depraved. No amount of apology from Robert Weil will make up for the litany of hate he has sprayed at LGBTIQ+ people over the years. His sincerity here is clearly wanting, especially as hs comments are likely to impact his standing as Vice President on the board of the Caulfield Shule.

I have raised this latest outburst of hate speech from Robert Weil to the attention of the President of Caulfield Shule, David Mond. I have requested the board remove Robert Weil from the board.

The last two times I wrote to David Mond about Robert Weil’s campaign of hate against LGBTIQ+ people he ignored my requests. I feel this time there will be too much pressure for David Mond to let this pass with inaction.

Watch this space.

UPDATE (July 13 2020)
Caulfield Shule has issued an apology and committed to ensuring each board member attends diversity training.

Caulfield Synagogue Vice President Robert Weil derides Jewish Care’s support for LGBTIQ+ people

Robert Weil spits the dummy again because he doesn’t believe in diversity and treating people with respect.

Much like a child having its favourite dummy taken away from it, serial anti-homosexualist and Vice President of Caulfield Synagogue Robert Weil has doubled down and taken aim at Jewish Care Victoria for their strong support of LGBTIQ+ people:

Seems Jewish Care is also infected with the political correctness virus and virtue signalling and the ‘rainbow tick’ are now it’s proudest achievements.

J-Wire: “Marching with Pride”; February 8 2020

At this rate there will be few aged care facilities who will want Robert Weil on their premises knowing how threatened and hostile he becomes in the presence of LGBTIQ+ staff and residents.

Caulfield Synagogue Vice President Robert Weil wants gays who are taught to loathe themselves to be able to pray their gay away

The law to ban conversion therapy in Victoria has not yet passed, yet serial anti-homosexualist and Vice President of Caulfield Synagogue Robert Weil is prematurely spewing confected outrage over the issue of people with “unwanted homosexuality” being denied the right to pray their gay away:

I’m not aware of any of the affiliates of the JCCV being consulted on this matter. Again, it’s just virtue signalling by the JCCV and Jewish Care. While falling over themselves to pander to homosexuals, they ignore the hate and insults being leveled at people of faith who wish to preserve religious freedoms and values. Without entering the debate about homosexuals being ‘born that way’, which, in many cases, is probably true, the fact remains that those who are uncomfortable with their position and wish to inquire about or discuss available options are now prohibited from doing so by this draconian ban.

J-Wire: “Jewish Care Victoria and JCCV partner to support ban of LGBTQ+ conversion therapy”; December 15 2019

It’s not surprising vulnerable gay people would want to rid themselves of their homosexuality (or their life) when they encounter the type of rabid mouth-foaming attitudes that tell them they’re broken and sinful.

Robert Weil on hate speech spree while Jewish community leaders remain silent

Serial homophobe and President of Caulfield Synagogue Robert Weil is on a rampant hate speech spree against gays.

Jewish community “comic“, outgoing president of Caulfield Hebrew Congregation and serial homophobe Robert Weil today took yet another swipe at same-sex attracted and gender diverse members of the Jewish community by accusing them of unsubstantiated “bullying tactics” in a comment posted on J-Wire article Gay and Lesbian support group apply for JCCV affiliation:

Robert Weil alleging LGBTI people are using bullying tactics

Increasingly people who are intolerant of homosexuality are finding fewer platforms to spruik their outdated attitudes. The tragic part of what his intolerance does is promote higher self-esteem and anxiety issues in same-sex attracted and gender diverse youth, feeding into harmful behaviours such as drug and alcohol abuse, self harm and suicide.

The community leadership (eg JCCV, Caulfield Shule, ADC) needs to speak out against hate speech such as this.  They won’t accept hate speech against Jews, yet it seems hate speech by prominent Jews against gays is not noteworthy.

The standard the community walks past is the standard the community accepts.

Caulfield Synagogue President Robert Weil smears gay people following his transphobic attack

Caulfield Synagogue President Robert Weil smears gay people following his transphobic attack.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse has brought to light a litany of hideous sexual abuse against children.  Consistent with past behaviour, Robert Weil has again tried to smear homosexual people, this time by labelling paedophiles exposed in this Royal Commission as “gay”, evidenced in a comment posted on J-Wire story “Transgender wedding in New Zealand“:

Robert Weil says:
June 4, 2015 1:31 pm at 1:31 pm

I’ll grant you it wasn’t well handled at the Yeshivah Michael, but it wasn’t Rabbi’s who “caused the mess”. The mess was caused by sexual predators who delighted in sodomizing little boys. The Rabbis you refer to were not the perpetrators, unlike the gay Catholic priests at Ballarat and the gay teachers at Knox Grammar.

Robert Weil
Robert Weil

The sexual orientation of paedophiles is irrelevant and does not contribute in any way to the abuse.  Further, the victims of some of these male paedophiles were girls as well as boys.

The following comment by Robert Weil compounds the bigotry demonstrated in his attack, this time on transgender people.  He diminishes the merit of the relationship reported in the story by labelling it as a “dysfunctional situation” and presenting it as shameworthy:

Robert Weil says:
June 3, 2015 10:26 pm at 10:26 pm

Ben, don’t be so dismissive of Rabbis. They understand far more than you, as they are generally the ones that have to be called in eventually to try and clean up the mess caused by dysfunctional situations such as this. Have some sympathy for the parents too.

Neither the wedding nor the relationship are dysfunctional.  The couple are normal, happy people in love with each other.  That they lack the support of family members is unfortunate and not their fault.

Ordinarily I’d be less alarmed by this type of transphobic and homophobic attack, putting it down to ignorance of the harm caused by such attitudes.  However what disturbs me most is that the author of these comments is the President of the Caulfield Hebrew Congregation, and as such holds a position of influence in the Jewish community in Melbourne:

Robert Weil - President - CHC

The prejudice on display here demonstrates a considerable disregard for a vulnerable and marginalised segment of society.  Physical attacks on homosexual and transgender people are not uncommon, are frequently brutal and may even result in permanent disfigurement, disability or death.  More common though are the self-loathing, helplessness and isolation that same-sex attracted and gender diverse people feel due to intolerance and bigotry, leading to poorer mental health outcomes, self harm and possible suicidal behaviour.

It would be helpful for Robert Weil and those who align with his intolerant perspective on sexual orientation and gender diversity to become more informed about the harms their attitudes can cause to the members of their community.

In 2015 there is no excuse for ignorance of these issues.  Over two years ago the Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) began promoting the No To Homophobia campaign.  Robert Weil’s synagogue, Caulfield Hebrew Congregation (CHC), belongs to the Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria, a JCCV Affiliate.  It is incomprehensible that CHC would have been oblivious to the JCCV’s push for its affiliates to join in the No To Homophobia campaign, given that the JCCV recruited at least 25 other affiliates accordingly.

It is my hope that the board of the CHC, together with their spiritual leadership, are able to formulate a way forward that includes education on sexual orientation and gender identity, whereby they can proudly put their name to saying No To Homophobia, and stamp out the small-minded and harmful attitudes demonstrated here by their President.  Doing so will strengthen their community, build social cohesiveness and hopefully save lives.  Failing to grow in this way can only do irreparable harm.