How we stay together: ‘There’s that love and tenderness and affection no matter what’ | The Guardian
Tag: The Guardian
David Marr, do you fact check?
David Marr must provide evidence of his claim that an unnamed person called for the resignation of Mark Allaby and Stephen Chavura
In the September 19 Guardian article Where’s the biff? Free speech has won every round in the marriage equality debate David Marr wrote:
“One Christian at IBM and another at Macquarie University have both been targeted by a zealous yes warrior who reckons they should be dismissed because their advocacy for traditional marriage is at odds with the ethos of their employers. So have they lost their jobs? No and nor should they.”
Back in March this year I posted this tweet about Mark Allaby:
I also posted this tweet about Stephen Chavura:
I posted several more similarly worded tweets about both. However in none of my tweets did I once call for, imply, or want the sacking of either from their respective places of employment.
On September 12 on ABC’s The Drum David Marr said Mark Allaby was “targeted by some trollish yes voters” (around 13:00) in response to Iain Benson’s claim “Allaby was asked to resign”:

In the above-mentioned Guardian article David Marr alleges [Mark Allaby and Stephen Chavura] “have both been targeted by a zealous yes warrior who reckons they should be dismissed”.
Who is this “zealous yes warrior who reckons they should be dismissed” David Marr?
If you are referring to my activism, please show me where I have called for the dismissal of either Mark Allaby from IBM or Stephen Chavura from Macquarie University.
If not mine, then whose activism are you are referring to?
I also refer David Marr to this apology from ABC’s The Drum where they clarified that my activism was in fact not related to marriage equality.