According to Lyle Shelton’s personal website he made a representation to the Queensland Human Rights Commission today:
I’ve just finished in the compulsory Queensland Human Rights Commission conciliation with two LGBTIQA+ drag queens, relating to a post on my blog last January. The complaint did not resolve and I now have an anxious wait to see if I am to be taken to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal for the matter to be heard before a judge. The complainants have 28 days in which to lodge this action or it lapses. Thanks to everyone who has been praying, I will keep you updated as further news comes to hand. Below is the opening statement I made at the QHRC this morning.
He goes on to state:
I consider myself somewhat battle hardened. My office was bombed by a LGBTIQA+ political activist in 2016 causing shock and trauma to me and my staff (as well as $100,000 of damage to our building). After this another same-sex marriage activist by the name of Michael Barnet put my home address on the internet as a way of intimidating me and my family.
True to form Lyle Shelton has distorted reality.
It is completely without substance that my actions were “a way of intimidating [him] and [his] family”.
I refute his damaging fabrication totally.
I note that Dave Pellowe at “Self-Sauce: where our cum shots get us in the eye every time” has republished Lyle’s utter load of crap on his “free speech” site (the one where I am banned from commenting).