The good folk at The Good Sauce have an interesting way of doing business.
According to their About statement they’re a “free speech platform”:
We believe you want a source of news & opinions you can trust. You want a media source that is not compromised by anti-everything narratives. This is:
Some of the best conservative thinkers in Australia and New Zealand have combined their independent voices here to build a free speech platform with shows you can watch or listen to as well as articles you can read.
We might sometimes disagree with each other or even you, and that’s okay. We’ll do so with sincerity & civility, and you’ll get to reach your own informed conclusions.
What must not be compromised is good public policy, or Truth.

Three days ago I posted a very respectful comment on an article on their site:

Tonight I went to post another similarly respectful comment on another article on their site. To my surprise I found they had banned me from commenting. No explanation, no warning, no nothing.

They’re welcome to set the rules on their site, but it’s hard to take them seriously when on the one hand they claim they’re all about free speech, sincerity and civility, and on the other hand they shut down people they don’t want to hear from without even an explanation.
Free speech, yeah nah.
Ahh. Remember that David Pellowe is the Sauce of this site, Michael. He refuses to realise that others have different points of view other that himself and his so called “expert guests”. Even when we are very civil and sincere they actually have no idea what these words actually mean.