Order of Australia – media coverage

NameMr Michael Nathan BARNETT
AwardMedal of the Order of Australia
Date Granted26th of January, 2023
CitationFor service to the LGBTQI community.

January 25 2023

January 26 2023

February 8 2023

March 13 2023

March 25 2023

Macca and Dave are joined live in the studio by Michael Barnett, co-convenor of the Victoria-based LGBTIQ+ Jewish advocacy group Aleph Melbourne, as they discuss his recent Order of Australia Medal.

Jewish Broadcasting for the Community (JBC) calls for members

The new organisation Jewish Broadcasting for the Community (JBC) is now calling for members. Have your say in the direction of broadcasting in the Australian Jewish community.

From: Yoram Regev <yoram dot regev at gmail dot com>
Date: 28 June 2011 19:35
Subject: JBC: Constitution and Membership Form
To: …, Paul Gardner <pgardner at bigpond dot net dot au>, …

Dear all,

Attached please find the revised JBC constitution and a membership application form.
Please forward the form to as many as you can so our membership starts to pick up. There is also a Friend category which is for supporters who are not members.
Should you have any questions please send them to either myself or Paul Gardner, our interim Chairman.
All application forms should be sent to me on this address (which appears on the form).

Thanks and regards,

Yoram Regev
JBC Interim Board member