Facebook event here.
Challenging religious bigotry
Rally for Marriage Equality – Saturday November 24 2012
Facebook event here.
On August 11 several thousand people rallied against eight years of being second class citizens and then participated in a mass illegal wedding.
Eight years after the Howard Liberal government introduced the delightfully discriminating Marriage Amendment Act (2004), we’re still rallying for marriage equality.
A fruity message highlighted the discrimination:
Ernie & Bert were planning their wedding in New York (and Colin was planning his wedding to a handsome police officer):
Straights were fighting hate:
There were thousands of people there:
Two gorgeous guys got illegally married to each other:
Enjoy all the excitement of the day – photos on Google Photos and Facebook. View all my Equal Love Rally posts here. Please contact me if you want to use any of my photos from this event.
An amazing Equal Love Rally was held on May 12, 2012. Guest speakers included Magda Szubanski, Carl Katter and Adam Bandt. The next Equal Love Rally will be held on August 11, 2012. See you there.
Eight years after the Howard Liberal government introduced the delightfully discriminating Marriage Amendment Act (2004), we’re still rallying for marriage equality.
Magda Szubanski was guest of honour at the Equal Love Rally on May 12, 2012:
Carl Katter was there too:
Adam Bandt, Federal MP for Melbourne and Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens returned to speak out for equality:
Dear Julia, my partner Gregory and I have been in a relationship since November 2008. Gregory is a father of two. We want the right to get married. Why does the government not allow us to get married?
Even gay zombies want to get married:
Enjoy the excitement of the day – photos on Google Photos and Facebook. View all my Equal Love Rally posts here. Please contact me if you want to use any of my photos from this event.
National Day of Action – Rally for Marriage Equality – Saturday May 12 2012
Gays can now get married in New York, but still not Australia. Seven years down and we’re still buried under the the most hateful piece of legislation ever passed in this country.
Seven years after the Howard Liberal government introduced the delightfully discriminating Marriage Amendment Act (2004), we’re still rallying for marriage equality.
Tracy Bartram was guest of honour:
Federal Member of Parliament (The Greens) for Melbourne, Adam Bandt is a strong advocate for Marriage Equality. He had a few words to say about Marriage Equality (including how the Liberal Party has been noticeably absent at these rallies – Shame Liberal Party Shame):
There were even drag queens and a hot dancing boy (because sequins and lip-sync are necessary to help legislate away the hate):
I seem to be a recurring feature at these rallies, and so does my partner Gregory. We’re not married, but we are in a registered relationship in the state of Victoria. We’ve been in a relationship since November 2008. Why can’t we get married Julia?
Oh yeah, and in case you didn’t know, same-sex couples can now get married in New York (but not Australia!):
Back in March I took some pics, and last Saturday, August 13 2011, I took some more. Enjoy the excitement of the day – photos on Google Photos and Facebook.
Adam Braitberg was part of the Equal Love Rally in Melbourne on November 20, 2010. I took a photo of him and a friend Tyger-Lee Baise, both proudly displaying their blue Habonim Dror shirts, and showing their support for equal human rights for all Australians.
Because they participated in this rally, as part of a Jewish organisation, they came under attack on the AJN Watch web site. You can read all about it in my previous blog. Keep an eye on the comments on the AJN Watch site though, as the conversation continues (to dismay).
Yesterday Adam’s father, George, made a profound statement, and in doing so has moved me deeply.
I am Adam’s father. To those that see fit to judge someone you don’t know or have ever met, I ask you to explain what right you think you have to behave in this manner. As Jews we are well aware of the history of bigotry, slander and false accusation. To judge my son, without knowing him is perpetuate the belief that “difference” in itself is an excuse for hatred. How ashamed am I of Jews who show such intolerance. I love you Adam. Dad
Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:17:00 PM
Adam’s father is a wonderful role model for showing unconditional love and acceptance of his son Adam. He is an example to every member of the Melbourne Jewish community and the wider Australian society on how we must bring up our children. It is only with this positive and supportive attitude that we can start to overcome the horrifying level of suicide, self-harm and mental health issues that (religious) intolerance afflicts on Australia’s same-sex attracted youth.
Thank you Mr Braitberg. You and Adam have demonstrated far greater leadership ability and are infinitely better role models than those who currently claim to speak on behalf of the Jewish community. They don’t need a ‘GLBT Reference Group’ to arrogantly identify and address “our issues”. They need intelligent and compassionate leaders like you.
Today was another Equal Love Rally in Melbourne. It was held outside the State Library of Victoria on a glorious sunny Melbourne day. Lots of people were there. Lots of ordinary, everyday, normal people. There were some great speeches. There was a lot of inspiration, love and acceptance.
In this world there is a lot of intolerance, ignorance and fear around people who don’t conform to some rigid stereotype of “normal”. Sadly these people lack the compassion, humanity and maturity to understand that their bigoted, homophobic and hateful attitudes are wrong, outdated, and plain old mean.
When will these people grow up and learn to love?
Check out my photos from the Equal Love Rally today on Google Albums and Facebook.
On August 14 the Equal Love people put on another rally in Melbourne. It started on the steps of the State Library of Victoria and ended on the steps of the Marriage Registry in Spring Street.
It was a lovely afternoon for a rally to protest the unnecessary discrimination that same-sex couples face in Australia. There is absolutely no justification for this appalling situation.
I have documented the event using photos, and uploaded them to Google Photos and Facebook, as I have done in the past. Please take a moment to look at the photos and understand that the people you see who are not allowed to get married by the Australian government are all second-class citizens. Australia is a better place than that. It’s citizens deserve full equality in all aspects of life.
There is a federal election less than a week away. One way you can send a message to the politicians who legislated this hateful situation and also to the politicians who have not promised to overturn it is to vote for a party that promises full equality in marriage.
I will be voting for the Secular Party of Australia. They promise 100% marriage equality and will fight to overturn every piece of legislation that denies full equality to Australia’s GLBT citizens. So committed to marriage equality are the Secular Party that they have undertaken a commitment to guarantee full marriage equality in advance of a nationwide relationship register. I understand this is an undertaking the Australian Greens refuse to commit to. The Secular Party will ensure marriage equality is a priority. Equality must be 100%.
You can help make a positive change this election by voting Secular in the Senate, and if you have a candidate in your electorate, also for the house of reps.
If you want full equality in marriage, you have the power to make a difference. Use it wisely.