The Australian Christian Lobby have claimed one of Melbourne’s premiere wedding venues Leonda By The Yarra is scheduled to host their 2019 Victoria Conference “Not Ashamed” on July 20 this year.
2019 Victoria Conference
Join us for the 2019 Victoria Conference – ‘Not Ashamed’ – Saturday, 20 July.
Join Victorian State Director Dan Flynn, ACL’s Managing Director Martyn Iles and Director of Research Elisabeth Taylor, along with additional speakers at Leonda By The Yarra, Hawthorn.
Registration includes refreshments, lunch and afternoon tea.
July 20, 2019 at 8:30am – 3:30pm
Leonda By The Yarra
2 Wallen Rd
Hawthorn, VIC 3122
Google map and directions
Jennifer Kent ·
The Eventbrite page for this event similarly states:
Victorian State Conference
Join us for the 2019 Victorian State Conference – Not Ashamed.
Not Ashamed – Victoria – Saturday 20 July
Join Victorian State Director Dan Flynn, ACL’s Managing Director Martyn Iles and Director of Research Elisabeth Taylor, along with additional speakers, in the beautiful Ballroom of Leonda by The Yarra.
Registration includes refreshments, lunch and afternoon tea.

Leonda By The Yarra have issued this statement in response:
We wish to advise that the Australian Christian Lobby does not currently have a confirmed booking with Leonda By The Yarra for their 2019 event. Whilst we have been in discussions with this group, like we do for any organisation enquiring with us, we do agree that this organisation does not share the same values as our business and as such this event will not be proceeding at our venue.
Their beliefs about sin and the need of repentance through the love of Christ go against our MEG values of Lots of Love and Positive People, and go against our ethos of providing a warm and welcoming environment for weddings which know no bounds in terms of religious denomination, or sexual orientation.
We are all for freedom of expression, but believe that the ACL can find a more suited platform for their voice elsewhere.

UPDATE – May 27 2019 1:55pm
Confirmation has been received that the ACL are fully aware that Leonda By The Yarra are not hosting this event.
UPDATE – May 29 2019 – 5:50pm
The ACL have updated their Eventbrite page to show the conference now being at MCEC, however the ACL web site still lists Leonda By The Yarra as the venue.

UPDATE – May 30 2019 – 14:05
The ACL have removed the venue Leonda By The Yarra from their web site, however the venue’s address persists.

UPDATE – May 31 2019 – 14:50
The ACL have finally removal all vestiges of Leonda By The Yarra from their 2109 Victorian conference web site.

UPDATE – May 31 2019 – 15:20
Mysteriously the ACL have now removed from their Eventbrite page the reference to hosting their event at the MCEC Clarendon Room and replaced it with a vague “Melbourne CBD” location.

We wish to advise that the Australian Christian Lobby does not currently have a confirmed booking with Leonda By The Yarra for their 2019 event. Whilst we have been in discussions with this group, like we do for any organisation enquiring with us, we do agree that this organisation does not share the same values as our business and as such this event will not be proceeding at our venue.
Their beliefs about sin and the need of repentance through the love of Christ go against our MEG values of Lots of Love and Positive People, and go against our ethos of providing a warm and welcoming environment for weddings which know no bounds in terms of religious denomination, or sexual orientation.
We are all for freedom of expression, but believe that the ACL can find a more suited platform for their voice elsewhere.
Thank you for the clarification Emily. Can you please let me know when you are aware that the ACL have removed your venue’s name from their event.