David Hart runs The Slowly Boiled Frog blog, “A chronicle of the pursuit for LGBT equality and gun sanity”.
In his August 2 2018 article “Blowhard Bill Donohue: Thou shall not defy me” he writes (my emphasis added):
As for calling Ivanka a c**t she deserves the opprobrium because Daddy is a dick and she is an enabler. Maybe if her husband, do-nothing Jared, does some jail time courtesy of Mr. Mueller, she will gain insight into honesty. It’s a tough one because daddy tells on average about seven lies per day.
The gendered word c-sparkle is used to degrade women on the basis of their gender, even when it’s used as a slur against men or by women. Ultimately women are the victim of its use.
I used to use this word as a slur and have since learnt that it hurts women. I have apologised for my behaviour and no longer use this word or anything else that harms women.
Any use of the c-sparkle word is unacceptable, but moreso when it’s used by a person campaigning for equality for LGBTIQ people.
So David, I know you mean well, but if you’re going to hurt women in the process of standing up against bigotry, then I can’t support your activism and won’t read your site any more. To that end I have unsubscribed from your blog.

I will resume reading your blog when you reflect on this matter and realise it’s not ok to use a slur that harms women.