Read the following sage advice from Rod Swift. On top of this, I would encourage you to vote [1] Secular Party in the Senate and also if there’s a candidate in your seat.
Remember that every time you place a 1 in a box marked GREEN or Australian Sex Party, they get $2.31 of your taxpayer money.
Labor deserves to be financially punished for taking us for granted.
A vote for ANY minor party is not a wasted vote if they poll 4% — they get electoral funding. Funding that Labor will NOT get.
Come on, GLBTI Australians. You can give up to $4.62 to a minor party of your choice. Every 10 voters that change their vote to a minor deprives Labor of $46.
Every 1000 deprives them of $4,600.
Enjoy tomorrow. I think it’s time to hit Labor in the hip pocket.