Alex Fein is “The Sensible Jew“. Yaron Gottleib has been a regular contributor on her blog. They announced their engagement to each other this week. I don’t believe there has yet been a disclosure of their relationship status on the blog.
On Alex Fein’s Facebook wall* she takes a swipe at the Secular Party:
Alex Fein
August 12, 2010It’d be frightening if they ever had a real chance at power – Socialists, Fascists, Secular fundamentalists with bizarre Israel policy… Yaron looks at the ugliest candidates standing at the coming election.

This is a reference to a blog on the analysis of the “ugly” political parties running candidates in the coming election. The analysis is mostly pathetic and shows a lack of maturity by its author.
I posted this comment* in response to her statement on Facebook:
Alex, you remark that the “Secular fundamentalists” are [amongst] “the ugliest candidates standing at the coming election”. How do you justify this assertion?
Gregory Storer is the Secular Party candidate for Melbourne Ports. His name will appear on your ballot paper. In the lead-up to the election he has written a number of articles regarding upholding human rights and equality, including equality for women. He critiques Michael Danby’s poor performance on some of these issues. How does that make him one of the “ugliest candidates”?
I ask you read what he has to say ( and would appreciate you then justify what I would consider your outrageous claim.
Let’s see what engaging response the Sensible Jew comes back with.
* As of April 2019 the public Facebook profile “Alex Fein” disappeared and may have become “Jal Peretz“, with restricted access to its content.