A group of radical, fanatical Jihadi Islamic protesters gathered at the Global Atheist Convention on Sunday April 15 2012. Seemingly they felt that atheism was a threat to humanity and their very existence.
Gregory and I had a smooch in front of these whack-jobs and they started howling that we would “burn in hell”.
Our friend Pete Darwin captured the moment with my trusty Nikon and the rest is history.
There’s been a bunch of coverage online:
- AronRa (YouTube) (USA/watch to 1:00)
- Alexander Ryking
- Amerika Bülteni (Turkish/USA)
- Ateist Canavar (Turkish)
- Atheist Republic (Facebook)
- Australian Skeptics Forum
- Butterflies and Wheels
- Dave The Happy Singer (Australian)
- David Icke’s Official Forums
- death + taxes mag
- Democratic Underground
- digg.com1
- Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- DNA Magazine2 (PDF) (Australian)
- DV.is (Icelandic)
- European Freedom Initiative
- Friendly Atheist
- Furious Purpose
- Gay News Network (PDF) (Australian)
- Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear (Australian)
- Gregory Storer (Australian)
- In Vino Veritas (Australian)
- Joe. My. God. (USA)
- Libertarian Republican3
- Newsvine (Grishman’s Column)4
- Obama 2012 Election – Blog archive5
- Occupy All Streets -> Ⓐnarcho Queer
- On The Record
- Pharyngula (USA)
- Photo submitted to reddit by Pete Darwin (comments)
- queer.de (German)
- Star Online (Australian)
- same same (Australian)
- The Caudal Lure (Australian)
- the burned over district
- The Raw Story (1)
- The Raw Story (2)
- Thoughts and Cute Things6
- topix.com
- UAAR Ultimissime (Italian)
- Wolfies World
If you find any other places that have covered this story, please let me know.
Dead links
- http://digg.com/newsbar/topnews/gay_guys_kiss_in_front_of_islamic_fanatics_at_2012_global_atheist_convention
- http://www.dnamagazine.com.au/articles/news.asp?news_id=16500
- http://www.libertarianrepublican.net/2012/04/two-gay-men-give-each-other-big-fat.html
- http://grisham.newsvine.com/_news/2012/04/16/11232432-gay-men-kiss-as-muslims-protest-atheist-convention-in-australia
- http://obama2012election.com/gay-men-kiss-as-muslims-protest-atheist-convention-in-australia
- http://shadedspriter.tumblr.com/post/21518900834/gregory-storer-and-michael-barnett-gay-kiss
Original photographs on Google Photos and Facebook.
Thanks to Katy Perry for inspiration.