Another Equal Love Rally came and went today. Thousands of queer Melburnians and supporters turned up to protest the discrimination that the Gillard Government forces down the throats of all Australians when it comes to marriage rights.
Every single Australian is affected by this discrimination, not just those people wanting to enter a same-sex marriage, or a marriage not defined by gender. The federal Marriage Act limits the choice of partner of every single Australian.
It’s time for the Gillard Government to stop pandering to the Christian and other religious fundamentalist bigots and start governing for all Australians, not just the ones that she’s politically beholden to.
I took some photos of the rally. Check them out on Google Photos and Facebook.
So sad. I truly believe in 50 years the world will look back at homphobia with the same disgust and shame we feel for apartheid/slavery/black civil rights today. Until then, we must keep up the fight.